
Please complete the following form to create a Team App account and join Ockbrook & Borrowash CC.

If you already have a Team App account, please log-in now.


New User Account

Member Details

Emergency Contact Details

Custom added membership fields

Please provide your child's date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy).

What school year is your child in?

Has your child played cricket before?

Is your child playing for other Cricket Club(s) this season?

Does your child have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses that have lasted or are expected to last 12 months or more?
Please consider if a disability or illness affects the player in any of the following areas:
Vision impairment
Hearing impairment
Physical impairment
Memory impairment
Learning impairment
Mental Health impairment

If you answered 'Yes', please provide details below:

Please provide your GP’s address and phone number

I consent to my child’s medical details being shared with Team Managers, Coaches and Senior Captains for the purposes of the delivery of safe participation in the Cricket Club activity.

Have you read and understood the following policies and procedures (found in the Welcome Pack in the TeamApp):
Missing Child Policy
Code of Conduct for Parents
Code of Conduct for Members
Coaches Code of Conduct
Changing Room and Showering Policy
Transport Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Away Matches

Have you read and agree to your child being photographed or videoed as detailed in the Club Photography and Video Policy?

If your child is 16 or over, do you consent to them being added to a messaging group for cricket training and match purposes?
(If your child is under 16 please select 'No'. Contact will be via parent/guardian only.)

Can you help out with any of the following:

I agree to the child named taking part in the activities of the Club.
I understand and agree to the responsibilities which I and my child have regarding the Club’s policies and procedures.

Ockbrook & Borrowash Cricket Club take the protection of the data that we hold about you and your child as a member seriously and will ensure that the data you provide is processed in accordance with data protection legislation.
If your child is selected to attend a League or County Board run event (such as trials, nets or representative fixtures), the Club may provide your and your child's name and contact details to the relevant League / County Board to enable participation.
Please read the full GDPR privacy notice in the Welcome Pack carefully to see how the Club will treat the personal information that you provide to us.
By submitting this completed form, I confirm that I have legal responsibility of the child named and that I have read and understood the permission statements on this membership form and the GDPR privacy notice found in the Welcome Pack.